Hi Reddheads around the world.

03 Mar 2022, 14:27
Hi Reddheads around the world. I’ve taken this message i sent on the Serious Dev Q’s & Support Telegram channel and have added it here with a few changes for context since it was a separate conversation. We are truly privileged to have such a community as we do with Reddcoin. The passion and belief in our blockchain and coin is something we never take for granted. As a project the most important thing we can do is to really listen to our community and not stick to a rigid "dogma" in a time when there is unparalleled uncertainty around the world. ReddID is critical and it will be released announced this half of the year. However we know that no matter how great it is it depends on people willing to use whatever disposable income they have which is not guaranteed given the past few years and how things are geopolitically. There are exciting developments in place for when ReddId is completed to majorly market it through TV spots, social media and so on. This has always been the plan and remains so. We had a discussion around liquidity yesterday on the core call. Not because we are concerned with pumping the price (anyone who has been around more than a few days know that this project has never done that and never will attempt to) However we obviously recognise that Utility and liquidity are 2 sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other and it helps to protect against unhealthy, unhelpful trading practices. Whilst Reddcoin is not real money we absolutely respect the fact that the community uses real money to acquire it. We respect the money of the community. In my opinion we could do better there in communicating that and so i am attempting to do that here. The reddcoin core team meets 4 times a week minimum. We are not blind to the real world each redhead is a part of. The majority of the core team’s time is completely filled with reddcoin development as well as structural/technical and strategic internal documentation. Development time is best spent on working to ensure we get up to BTC core code .22 which stands us in good stead for certain exchange listings. @TechAdept will be releasing an update shortly and John will be writing an article concerning the very soon to be released new test core wallet. The team works crazy hours and live and breathe reddcoin. Reddcoin is being worked on 24/7. @TechAdept is based in the U.S, @CryptoGnasher is in Australia, @teeroni is U.S based, I am based in the United Kingdom and am a real blue-chip tech veteran. @coinmarketdeals is based in Canada. The social media team is based throughout Europe and the Americas. As with any technology project though we are keen to take the community with us. On the core team we all speak openly and frankly with each other as we do with the community. Reddcoin is first about our people, our community, followed by technology and we are listening. Feel free to ask any questions and I will be able to answer. We hear you, we respect you and we are ensuring we are doing everything we can to bring you with us. We are here to share the love, not make you anxious - there is no need to be! Also feel free to check out our linkedin profiles mine is feel free to connect. Take care out there!