Full testing release of v4. 4 - Download available here: ( for direct download in case the release is not visible.

16 Jun 2022, 12:43
Full testing release of v4.22.4 - Download available here: (https://download.reddcoin.com/bin/reddcoin-core-4.22.4/alpha/ for direct download in case the release is not visible.) Please note that the "testnet" flag has now been removed, and the wallet WILL run on mainnet. If you want to continue to work/test only on testnet, please launch the binary with the additional command line flag "-testnet". Otherwise the wallet will by default launch on mainnet with any active wallet you may have in place. Keep in mind that launching the new wallet with an existing 'wallet.dat' file (meaning coins in your wallet) will have changes made to the format. Please BACKUP your wallet.dat file before launching the new version 4.22.4 on mainnet. Have fun! And report bugs here or create issues at PLEASE NOTE FOR CASUAL USERS: THIS IS NOT INTENDED AS A FULL PRODUCTION RELEASE FOR EVERYDAY USE. PLEASE CONTINUE USING 3.10.4 UNTIL FULL TESTING HAS COMPLETED. ON THE OTHER HAND, IF YOU WANT TO HELP TEST ON MAINNET, PLEASE DO, AND REPORT ANY ISSUES. THANK YOU. AND SORRY FOR YELLING, BUT IT'S IMPORTANT!!! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‰