As posted in Discord: The team, such as it is presently, has begun serious efforts to bring our communications and updates back

08 Jun 2023, 16:22
As posted in Discord: The team, such as it is presently, has begun serious efforts to bring our communications and updates back to life, and to keep them updated and in line with the work that's actually being done on the ReddCoin project. To that end, we have three major efforts underway that could ABSOLUTELY use some additional ReddHead support nd engagement. 1) Updating the ReddMap (our ReddCoin roadmap) from the stale old image that exists on our website to a real reflection of what we've done in the last years, and more importantly, where we are going in the near and distant future. 2) Updating the website ( (and deciding whether to preserve the site as it seems confusing) with not just the content we have created over all this time, but all bringing the useful information to the site that ought to have been easily accessible all along. and 3) Exposing the current work and detailed efforts behind the various projects and tasks that ReddCoin has had underway, or is planning, by publishing our "Master To-Do" list on a regular basis, rolling up all open issues and tasks in github, and providing a clear mechanism to accept both user and developer requests, triage, handle, discuss and resolve them, and keep that history available freely and publicly. We have had some ReddHeads join in these efforts, most notably @NomiAsh , the newest member of our volunteer ReddCoin Core team, and we desperately need more help if we're going to be successful. We'll be publishing this exact message on other channels, and we encourage anyone interesting in helping either with the above tasks, with anything visible on the To-Do list, or with any interest in working with the ReddCoin team to reach out and ask me, or any member of the team. ReddCoin has survived this long by dedicated, devoted, and group effort. We will only be able to continue our growth and success if the community engages and brings that ReddHead energy to what needs to be done. Join us!